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So, seriously, what is a day at camp like?

1.Wake up- kinda. Get your wake up on and stumble to Breakfast. Don't forget to put your pants on.

2. Morning Session. Your youth group heads to the morning meeting for Praise and Worship, interviews, & challenging speakers.

3. Small group time. Chill out with your youth group and discuss the message. It's a great time to ask those curly questions

4. Lunch

Get yourselves a mean feed ready for an afternoon of Activities. At camp there is always something to do: Abseiling, waterslides, a dip in the hot pool, archery, race cars, archery paintball, rock climbing or just hang in the village.

5.  Electives

Afternoon Electives are discussions on topics of the day. Go, Listen, Learn. Ask questions, talk it over with your mates.

6. Chillllllllll

Have some break time before dinner. Or have a shower. Come on dude you need a shower!!

but wait, there's more...

7. Dinner. Nothing beats Totara Springs dinners - best food in town. Have some eats, have a relax ready for the evening meeting.

8. Evening Session. Again, this is another chance to worship and continue on with the camp theme from the morning meeting

9. Chillllllll. Then it's free time. Hang by a fire in the village eating Donuts, or watch a movie. Jump back in the heated pool or brave the cold night air on the waterslide.

10. Sleeeeeeepppppp. Then it's Lights out, and yes, you do need your beauty sleep :(

You know you need to be here

Seriously, Jesus loves you and knows you are way more awesome than you think. We can almost guarantee that if you can get yourself to Easter Camp, you will totally leave way closer to Jesus and therefore way more secure in who you are. 
Aroha nui. 

Ngaa manaakitanaga o te Atua