You know you want to be here
Youth Groups from all over
It's crazy to think how many different youth groups go to easter youth. We have around 8 different youth communities from Putaruru way up to Orewa. This means a great diversity of youth and leaders.
If you are more of an introvert, we don't make you do too many scary things with other people, and there is heaps of chill time where you can walk in the bush, sit under a tree or chill in the village. But π if you are more extroverted, there is so much to do over the weekend, and so many awesome people to meet you may simply explode with joy π¬

Worship, teaching, workshops
At Easter Youth, we blend meaningful teaching with engaging group discussions around excellent times of worship. The workshops and late-night chats around a fire will totally inspire your spiritual journey.
A great thing about Easter youth is there are heaps of times to sit and ask all those complex or scary or confusing questions of friends or a youth leader or speaker.

Worship will revitalise your spirit
Easter Youth is more than just a camp; itβs a place to discover new friendships, deepen your faith, and spend time in worship of God who loves you more than you'll ever know.
It's more fun than sitting at home over easter binging netflix
Seriously, you need to get to Easter Youth. If you don't get here, what are you going to do over easter? You'll probably eat way too much rubbish, spend too much time on SM, binge something that was only half good because you were bored, and then be ticked when you go to youth group next time and hear all the wild things everyone did at Easter Youth.
We have a ton of fun and have fantastic times learning more about God, who loves you like crazy. So go ahead and talk to your youth leader and get over here.